Mailing Address: 2204 Enterprise Dr. Altus, OK 73521
Clinic Address: 2208 Enterprise Dr. Altus, OK 73521
Volunteer at AAWA
AAWA cannot fulfill our missions without YOU! Email us for more information about volunteering in your area of interest!
AASNIP Spay/Neuter Runs
(one day/month)​
Reminder Caller – call pet owners already scheduled for surgery dates to remind them of the appointment and go over pre-surgery information
Check-In Table – help pet owners fill out paperwork the day before the AASNIP run and the day of the AASNIP run
Pet Loading/Unloading – help get pets into crates for AASNIP runs and help with loading and unloading the Puppy Express transport van
Pet Food Distribution
Offload and sort Chewy Truckload donations
Deliver pet food to pet parents
Volunteer at the Shelter
The Altus Animal Shelter is always in need of volunteers who are willing to share their love and time with wonderful animals in their care. For more information please call 580-481-2285.

​​Altus Spay/Neuter Clinic
Clinic set-up and clean-up Volunteer
Pre-Op and Post-Op animal care Volunteer
*email to
inquire about volunteering at the clinic